RISE UP Project Mobility For Joao
•Posted on March 31 2023

Update: 3-31-2023
We are beginning to raise funds for Joao's upcoming surgeries, travel, and care.
We are giving $20.00 from each sale of Gloria's Newest design Wings of Faith Cross. HERE: https://www.shoppalmers.com/collections/ashling-aine/products/wings-of-faith-cross-wingsp-angel-52902
We are excited to see what God is doing.
Also, here are some ways to invest in Joao:
THANK YOU!! As Of June 1, 2022, all the money has been raised for His chair, a game, and a bible with his name on it in his Portuguese language! In addition, we spent all of May in Florida as Hannah our daughter had surgery. While there, we shared Joao’s medical file with Dr. Feldman at the Paley Institute. I am happy to report that Hopeful conversation is going back and forth about possible medical help for Joao. Stay tuned for more information.
Our current Blessing is “PROJECT making a difference for a “JEWEL!”
Our goal is to raise $4500.00 to provide a wheel Chair, gaming equipment, and Bible for 13yr old Joao, who lives in Brazil with a superpower called Larsen Syndrome. Please help us make his dreams a reality and his life better. Joao has been bedridden for three years. He has had multiple failed surgeries and complications. At this time he has not been able to get out of bed and he does not have a wheelchair. We hope to change that for him. Purchases from www.ourroyalcourt.com and fundraising efforts will prayerfully make a difference for him! He has so much potential. God has a perfect plan for this young man. To make a tax
Contact: info@handsofhopes.org to find out how you could help make a difference for Joao.Our Royal Court: www.ourroyalcourt.com
Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/e68745bf (Closed! Thank you for your support! With your help, we were able to send Joao his game equipment and his wheelchair!)
Ways to Donate: All donations are tax deductable-even Go fund me. Hands of Hope is a registered nonprofit.
Paypal: handsofhope1999
Venmo: handsofhope
Checks to Hands Of Hope PO Box 55 Mogadore, Ohio 44260